Friday, March 6, 2009

First Impressions....

I had a real chuckle when I read this contest entry. It truly shows that first impressions aren't necessarily the best impressions. I love that Tara tried to push Kevin away, but in the end she couldn't resist him!

Hi Apryl…thought I’d send you our whirlwind story!

When I met my husband Kevin, I had just survived a very traumatic experience. My sister was determined however that I meet a particular firefighter that worked with her husband.

I went to a firefighter hockey tournament with my sister a month after I had sworn off men for the rest of my life. When we were about to leave for lunch, there was this very tall guy standing off to the side, he was sort of looking our way and irritated I said to my sister ‘who is that guy, and why is he standing there?’ She responded ‘oh, that’s Kevin and he’s coming to lunch with us!’ I wasn’t impressed.

We went to lunch and I was so rude. I’m not usually that way, but I wanted it made very clear that I wasn’t interested in dating anyone (how vain I was…He may have only wanted to eat lunch!), so I ate more than I would normally eat, thinking no man wants a big eater around, and mentioned every ex-boyfriend I could think of…a terrible lunch companion for sure.

A few days later, I went to another hockey game with my sister and saw Kevin again. I had determined that he was a pretty nice guy, so gave him my best smile and a ‘hi’. He nearly tripped over his hockey gear he was so surprised at my change in tone. After catching himself, he returned my salutation and rushed to the dressing room.

That evening the entire team and friends went out for dinner and drinks. Kevin made sure he was sitting right next to me. It was hilarious because he’s not much of a drinker but I guess he was nervous so was a little tipsy and asking many, many questions and saying the silliest things. At one point he said to me ‘you need a light, and I am that light, to guide you on your way’ and something about the forest and the trees…I laughed so hard and suddenly it registered…I looked at him with horror and said ‘oh, no! You’re a LEO’. Kevin sat way back in his chair and asked ‘how on earth could you have known that?’ The only answer I could give him was the truth, ‘I have a penchant for attracting those crazy male Leo’s and none had worked out so far.’ Even so we had a great time with the gang and then went our separate ways.

Five months later, my sister invited me for dinner and when I arrived mentioned that Kevin would be coming…it took me a moment to register who Kevin was and suddenly I was nervous. He came for dinner, we talked a bit and all of us took a post-meal walk around the neighbourhood which was being newly developed so Kevin could see some house-buying options. I remember he left fairly early in the evening and as he pulled away, sitting on my sister’s front step, thinking ‘he can visit anytime’.

A few days later, I received a phone call from my sister saying that Kevin was asking about me and that he had ‘some things to take care of’ before calling me. I figured I had a good 6months to continue being a single gal. It wasn’t even a week when my family, myself, and a friend were heading to my brother-in-laws Family boat to watch the fireworks on the lake in Toronto when Kevin made his first phone call. We chatted for a minute and then I had to go, he mentioned he would try to call again later that week.

When we arrived at the yacht club, I had a feeling he was there. I doubled over in stomach pains and my Mom took me to the washroom to ensure I was okay. I ate an entire package of Rolaids before I could straighten up. I had never in my life been so nervous, and we weren’t even sure he was there. I remember asking my Mom what was going on with my stomach, her answer ‘butterflies’. No one has ever been more right.

As we approached the boat, there he was, smiling and waiting.

Although I tried not to ignore my friend, I spent most of the evening getting to know Kevin.

We spoke on the phone every few days after that and made what was a long-distance relationship work in the best way possible. A month later, on Kevin’s birthday, we were away in Niagara Falls and he asked if I would move in with him. After having a near heart-attack, I said yes and mentioned he would have to get through my father first. My Dad loved him so much that he couldn’t wait for him to take me away (or, hey…maybe he just wanted rid of me?).

4 months after dinner at my sisters’ place, we were in our brand new house. 2 ½ years after that, we had a beautiful wedding.

Kevin and I have been together 16 years, and approaching our 13th year of marriage this June. Although some would say we moved too quickly, sometimes you just know when somebody is ‘the one’. Kevin is my best friend, a fabulous father to our 2 children, and I wouldn’t trade him for the world.

Tara Nicholls

P.S. He claims to this day it was the friendly ‘hi’ I gave him as he was heading to the dressing room and because I did eat more than a salad and water that hooked him!

I love it! There's still just over a week for the contest. If you have a great love story, send me your entry!

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