Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Baby Mania

So, reality has finally set in. I mean really set in. It wasn't enough that my belly has grown to the size of a beach is the actual time left in this pregnancy that has me freaked out. In 8 weeks I will have (hopefully) a little baby. That's CRAZY!

While I'm excited, and Tobin is excited times 10, we're both ready for this baby to enter the world. But I have to admit I'm a little terrified. I think everyone goes through that, don't they?

Will I be a good mother? I can't operate on little sleep as it, how can I handle a little baby with no sleep? Will I know what I'm doing? All these crazy thoughts go through my head.

I know I'm blessed to have the greatest husband in the world at my side, and a family that is super-supportive. That eases all my craziness....for now.

Because over the past year I have photographed so many beautiful babies, I thought I would post some of my favourites. And in a few weeks....we can add a new one to blog!

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