Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The funniest word you ever heard....

I can totally understand how hard it is to be in front of the camera. I do it everyday in my regular day's hard! But I found a secret trick this past week and it works wonders with trying to get kids to laugh and smile when they really don't want to have their pictures taken.

Ruben and Grace, their Mom Jen and their Nana Jane met me at Sunnidale Park for some family portraits. Months ago I donated a photo session to a Breast Cancer fundraiser my cousin was holding. Jane was the successful bidder and held on to it until her daughter and grandkids came to Barrie from British Columbia.

Grace and Ruben are such adorable kids who were so excited to be at the park. But near the end they didn't want their photos I had to think quick. What will make them laugh...and then I got it. I have to admit, it's a little emabrrassing, but it WORKS!!! I said, "say the funniest word you've ever Diarreah." That's right. I said it. And it made them laugh! So, we definitely got some great stuff out these guys...and all it took was one little word.

Enjoy the adorableness that is Ruben and Grace!

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