Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tutu Sweet!

It was undoubtedly the most amazing email I have ever received. After a day of stress, near tears, and feeling uncertain about my future, I opened my email at the end of the day and cried. I honestly cried and thanked the Heavens that this email came through when it did...when I needed it the most.
Stephanie is a mom of twin girls, and through the words written in this email I could sense she was a kind, soft soul. She told me how much she liked my work and would be willing to give me a tutu she made from hand if I just mentioned her business in a featured shoot. Well, after lifting my spirits and stroking my ego the way she had I couldn't just do that. I had to do more! So, after a few exchanges of emails, we set a date and her two girls Myah and Molly and my little model Ellie.
I totally recommend Stephanie's work. She has a wide assortment of tutus and styles, and she knows how they should fit on a little girl...because she has two of her own.
Special thanks to Dana from (the BEST children's photographer ever!) who was awesome and lent us the wicker chair!! Man, was this shoot a love fest, or what? I love it!
Stephanie, thank you for inspiring me and for being my "sign" when I asked for one. You are the best.
I love Mom-preneurs! Enjoy! And please check out Tutu Sweet.!/TutuSweet1

1 comment:

Dana Morrison said...

:-) Great pictures (and tutus)...and LOVE that we ran into each other!