Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kimberlee and Nick are Married!!

I have been so anxious to post the photos from Kim and Nick's Wedding at Tangle Creek Golf Course. It will always be one of my favourite weddings. Not just because it was fun, it was full of love, it was gorgeous....but Kim and Nick are such an amazing couple.

They are beautiful on the outside, but it's their inward beauty that really gets me. They are generous, loving and so close to their families. Through them, I have been able to get to know their families and they are the people you can tell who have given this couple their incredible traits. They immediately make you feel like you're one of them.

Kim and Nick are the type of couple who are soul mates. And I don't use that lightly. They are passionate, they are fun, and they can't stop looking in each other's eyes.

Kim said something in her speech at the wedding that Nick sometimes stops and looks at her with utter amazement and it gets her every time.

Kim, on your wedding day, everyone was staring at you with utter amazement because you looked like a bride out of a magazine. You were stunning and your husband wasn't bad either.

Always love each other the way you do now. Judging by how your families are, when you have a family of your own, it's going to be one amazing home.

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