Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Winter Wonderland

I usually hate winter. I think when you live in a city you tend to see winter only as an inconvenience: shovelling, scraping, slush.....the thought of it all makes me shudder.

But driving out to horse country (King Township) with my friend Tara, you get to see all the beauty that winter has. The snow in the fields and on the fir trees. The horses in the pastures with a snowy, treed hill behind them. It's actually perfect.

When Tara's Mother wanted winter-themed photos of her daughters on her farm, I could see why she likes her farm better in the winter. It looked like it was taken out of a snow globe and planted in the country. The gazebo, the horses, the stable. Perfect.

So, when I say I usually hate winter....I didn't this day. And I don't if I'm out of the country...and I don't have to shovel.

Enjoy these beautiful pictures of Tara, her Mom and her sister Carrie.


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