Thursday, February 12, 2009

Best Kisses

It's nearly Valentine's Day and I'm caught up in the spirit of the Hallmark Holiday.

I've always been one for Valentine's Day. Every year Tobin and I make each other a big seafood feast with candles and wine (well, beer for him) and it's really romantic. This year, though I can't stomach the thought of seafood....a very bad side effect of pregnancy. But I still love chocolate, cuddling with Tobin and lots of I love you's. Alright, you can be sick from all that mushy stuff....what can I say? I'm sucker for love.

So, as my little gift you on Valentine's Day, here are some of my favourite kisses from the past year. Enjoy!

Amanda and Horhay on the tracks. Love this photo.

Bob and Cheryl Taylor. The cutest couple!

Kim and Jamie on their wedding day

And Us! Had to throw it in there because he is my all-time favourite kiss.


Erika & Ryan said...

I am stealing this blog post and doing it on our blog. Awesome theme! You are so creative.
Would you come and take some pics of Ryan and I. My birthday is this Sunday, let me know if you are available.

Anonymous said...

Very cute pics!! Love the new header too!!

Apryl Munro said...

Thanks Katie!